Saturday, January 29, 2011

Atomic Cloud

I'm a happy puppy now cos the sun has decided to come out to play in these last few days before the Chinese New Year, and clouds abound in the sky.

I thought these looked like a double atomic bomb.

See how much it looks like the real deal Nagasaki atomic bomb cloud?

Either that or they look like macaroons, which sounds more comforting.
At this moment I think I need one now, and everything is beginning to look like them.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tim Burton Cloud

It has been pretty impossible to see any clear skies for the past, I don't know, 2 weeks of non-stop rain. It even got me to the point of thinking maybe I should start a new Rain Over Kuching blog. But the heavens decided to put a stop to that. 

Yesterday, the sun finally came out  and I snapped. Pictures, that is.

This bunch of clouds turned out to be a bit surreal, sort of Tim-Burton-Charlie-and-the-Chocolate-Factory like. It looks like the grey skies just refuses to leave in the background.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Spare Clouds

It's been raining so much in Kuching & if it doesn't stop, I'll be running out of cloud pictures. But I managed to dig out a couple of spare ones to share.